Joon Faii Ong Shares Risk Factors That May Lead to Parkinson’s Disease

Joon Faii Ong
2 min readApr 19, 2022


A combination of environmental and genetic elements has been associated with developing Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Unfortunately, science can’t currently alter your genetic makeup. However, understanding the risk factors will help you create a feasible, data-backed plan to prevent PD.

Joon Faii Ong shares five of the most common risk factors affecting PD.

Family Health History

Hereditary factors play a crucial role in the development of PD. Having a diagnosed relative increases your risk of PD, especially if the PD patient is a close relative.

However, a family history of PD doesn’t automatically lead to PD. Although PD is inherited, patients rarely catch these genes from first-degree relatives like parents.


Statistics show that most patients develop PD after 50, although it’s not impossible for younger adults to get diagnosed. For this reason, Joon Faii Ong advises seniors to test for PD regularly. Treating PD becomes more challenging as the body ages and various other illnesses arise.


Research shows that PD affects twice as many men as women. Some possible gender-specific risk factors include mitochondrial dysfunction, lack of estrogen neuroprotection, and more frequent instances of head trauma.


Common lifestyle factors that affect PD development include smoking, high uric acid, low-quality diets, minimal exercise, caffeine dependency, and excessive dairy intake.

Toxin Exposure

Farmers who regularly work with chemicals like pesticides and herbicides face a much higher risk of developing PD. They release toxins harmful to your neurological health. If you can’t avoid handling these chemicals, it is recommended that you get tested for PD routinely.

Bottom Line

Unfortunately, there’s no surefire way to prevent PD yet. Even with our current level of medical technology, we can’t alter genetic and hereditary risk factors.

Joon Faii Ong states that the best approach is to lead a healthy, cautious lifestyle. Regularly get tested for PD symptoms and consult a medical professional on the different ways to mitigate existing PD risk factors.



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